Sunday 8 May 2016

Effects of Smoking on Your Health: Do Not Smoke No good for our Health

Effects of Smoking on Your Health: Do Not Smoke No good for our Health 

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If you smoke, you've almost certainly heard friends and family nagging you to stop.

Knowing about long-term risks though may not be enough to nudge you to quit, especially if you're young. It can be hard to feel truly frightened by illnesses that may strike decades later.

So, if you carry on smoking, what could be the effects on your body?

Smoking is harmful because there are many ingredients in tobacco smoke that can harm your body.

The main health risks from smoking are lung cancer, heart disease and stroke. Smoking causes almost 90% of deaths from lung cancer, around 80% of deaths from COPD, and around 17% of deaths from heart disease.

புகைத்தலின் வரலாறு : கி.மு. 5000 ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கும் முன்னதாக காலங்குறிக்கப்படலாம், மேலும் உலகம் முழுதும் பல்வேறுபட்ட பண்பாடுகளில் பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. முற்காலத்திய புகைபிடித்தல் மத ரீதியிலான சடங்குகளில் தொடர்புடைய வகையில் உருவாகியது; கடவுளர்களுக்கு படையலாக, தூய்மைப்படுத்தும் சடங்குகளில் அல்லது சூனியக்காரர்கள் மற்றும் பூசாரிகளை தங்களது புத்தியை தெய்வீகமாக்க அல்லது ஆன்ம விழிப்புணர்ச்சி நோக்கத்திற்கு தகவமைத்துக்கொள்ள அனுமதிக்க என்பதாகவும் இருந்தது. ஐரோப்பிய ஆய்வுப் பயணம் மற்றும் அமெரிக்க கண்டங்களின் கைப்பற்றலுக்குப் பிறகு, மீதமுள்ள உலகம் முழுதும் புகையிலை புகைபிடிக்கும் பழக்கம் விரைவாகப் பரவியது. இந்தியா மற்றும் ஆப்பிரிக்காவின் துணை-சஹாராப் பகுதிகள் போன்றவற்றில் அது வழக்கத்திலுள்ள புகைபிடித்தலுடன் இணைந்தது (பெரும்பாலும் கன்னாபீஸ்கள்). ஐரோப்பாவில், அது புதிய மாதிரியான சமூக நடவடிக்கையை அறிமுகப்படுத்தியது. மேலும் போதைப் பொருளை உட்கொள்ளும், அதற்கு முன்னர் அறியப்படாத ஓர் வடிவத்தை அறிமுகப்படுத்தியது.

How smoking damages the body

As well as nicotine, there are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, of which many are poisons. At least 60 of these chemicals cause cancer.

Among some of the most dangerous components are:

Tar: When you breathe in tobacco smoke, some tar is deposited in the lungs. Your lungs are lined with tiny hairs that help 'sweep' germs and other things out of your lungs. It is harder for these hairs to move if your lungs are coated with tar.

Carbon monoxide: Carbon monoxide binds itself to haemoglobin in the bloodstream and prevents it from carrying enough oxygen around the body. This means that someone who smokes is likely to get out of breath and get tired more easily.

Eventually, you can get a lung disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you have this, it gets harder and harder to breathe.

Benzene: Exposure to benzene can cause cell damage at the genetic level, and has been linked to a range of different cancers, such as leukaemia and kidney cancer.

Benzene used to be added to petrol, but the practice was stopped because of health concerns

No matter how you smoke it, tobacco is dangerous to your health and affects your entire body.

Smoking and Cancer
  1. Bladder
  2. Blood (acute myeloid leukemia)
  3. Cervix
  4. Colon and rectum (colorectal)
  5. Esophagus
  6. Kidney and ureter
  7. Larynx
  8. Liver
  9. Oropharynx (includes parts of the throat, tongue, soft palate, and the tonsils)
  10. Pancreas
  11. Stomach
  12. Trachea, bronchus, and lung


Monday 11 April 2016

we are save environment and How to save environment.

we are save environment and How to save environment 

Forest protection is the preservation or improvement of a forest threatened or affected by abuse, or out of balance nature.

Thus forest protection also has a legal status and rather than protection from only people damaging the forests is seen to be broader and include forest pathology too. Thus due to this the different emphases around the world paradoxically suggest different things for forest protection.

In German speaking countries forest protection would focus on the biotic and abiotic factors that are non-crime related. A protected forest is not the same as a protection forest. These terms can lead to some confusion in English, although they are clearer in other languages. As a result, reading English literature can be problematic for non-experts due to localization and conflation of meanings.

How to save forests?

We can Save forests stopping the cutting of trees (stop deforestation), establishing new forests (afforestation) and reestablishing old forests (reforestation).

We can save the forests through a balanced comprehensive and well-thought out plan.

Fresh trees should be planted and in this way the trees that are cut should be replaced.
Planting of trees should be a constant progress.
Besides, trees that are planted must be of the right type. They should be such that can prevent soil erosion, check floods, and air pollution.
They should also be such that grow and mature rapidly and whose wood can be used for the purpose of construction and for making furniture, etc.
New varieties of trees should be developed to achieve these ends.
Grass and fodder should be grown near the fields in which the people work so that they may use them easily according to their need.

save environment follow this.

1. We should save drinking water. Water is a precious component of our environment. It should never be wasted.

2. We should never pollute water. Efforts should be made in making significant reduction in both domestic and industrial disposal in water bodies.

3. As far as practicable, the waste products should be recycled to make new items. The domestic and industrial garbage should be segregated as recyclable and non-recyclable before being dumped.

4. There should be a zero tolerance policy towards deforestation. Each one of us can contribute towards saving the environment by planting just one tree every-month.

5. We can make donations to NGOs that are engaged in planting trees, or in any-way working towards saving the environment.

6. Safer environmental friendly car and vehicles should be used. For short distances, people should be encouraged to use bicycle in place of motor based vehicles.

7. The use of environment unfriendly materials such as plastic should be discouraged.

8. Instead of dumping domestic garbage in the pond, lake or river, these should

9. A lot of environmental problems would disappear if we stop using petroleum, coal and natural gas as raw-materials for power generation. The focus should entirely shift on renewable sources of energy. The use of renewable sources of energy (example solar energy) would help saving the environment from global warming.


Thursday 10 March 2016

Road safety Rules to public please follow This

                           சாலை பாதுகாப்பு விதிகள் :  Road safety Rules 

* Road safety Rules to public please follow This

Traffic is formally organized in many jurisdictions, with marked lanes, junctions, intersections, interchanges, traffic signals, or signs. Traffic is often classified by type: heavy motor vehicle (e.g., car, truck); other vehicle (e.g., moped, bicycle); and pedestrian. Different classes may share speed limits and easement, or may be segregated. Some jurisdictions may have very detailed and complex rules of the road while others rely more on drivers' common sense and willingness to cooperate.

TIRUCHI: A large number of school students of the city learnt the basics of traffic rules and road safety at a special exposure programme organised at the Traffic Park at the Collectorate campus on Monday as part of the Road Safety Week.

The programme was organised by Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) and the Regional Transport Office.

Collector T. Soundiah inaugurated a programme and a photo exhibition on road accidents and ways to avoid them.

Motor Vehicle Inspectors explained road rules and ways to strictly follow them while walking on roads.

The TNSTC, Tiruchi Region, General Manager D. Subbaraj, Regional Transport Officer, Tiruchi M. Natarajan, Regional Transport Officer, Srirangam K. Pakkirisamy, Motor Vehicle Inspectors and students of severak schools participated in the programme.

Awareness rallies on road safety, meetings with vehicle drivers and distribution of pamphlets marked the observance of week-long 24{+t}{+h}Road Safety Week from January 1 to 7 that came to an end here on Monday.

Police Commissioner K.C. Mahali flagged off a rally from Collectorate that passed through Four Road Junction before culminating at New Bus Stand. At the end, college students, who took part in the rally, were briefed about the importance of wearing helmet, concept of golden hour to save life of accident victims and giving first aid to the victims.

“Students should educate their friends and family members to follow road rules for safety of all”, a senior police official said. Of the total fatal in the city last year, 44 per cent accounted for motorcycle and pillion riders without helmet and another 44 per cent accounted for pedestrians.
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Sunday 21 February 2016

In our India we have control the Land pollution ,air pollution,water pollutions

In our tamil nadu have so much Land pollution ,air pollution,water pollution we are control the pollution

Land pollution is the degradation of the planet's land surface through misuse of the soild by poor agricultural practices, mineral exploitation, and industrial/urban waste dumping. There are two aspects to be examined when one speaks about land pollution: solid waste and soil pollution.
Solid Waste
Semisolid or solid matter, whether organic (natural) or synthetic (man-made)  Soil pollution 5 in origin, which is disposed when deemed hazardous or useless is called solid waste. Many solid wastes, such as plastic products, cans and electronic goods, are not biodegradable (the are not broken down easily through natural processes). Therefore, they accumulate if left untended, and cause a number of problems. Decaying organic waste attracts pests and causes discomfort by being both unsightly and emitting a horrible stench. Accumulated waste also reduces the available area of land for use in other, more productive purposes. Preventing Land Pollution People should be educated and made aware about the harmful effects of littering. Items used for domestic purposes should be reused, recycled or properly disposed of. Organic waste matter should be disposed of in areas that are far away from residential places. Inorganic matter such as paper, plastic, glass and metals should be reclaimed and then recycled.

Water pollution  This is the reason why many different chemical substances are found dissolved in water. Gases in the atmosphere will dissolve in rainwater as it passes through the air. By the time water reaches a stream or river, it will contain a variety of chemical compounds dissolved within it from the air and from the rocks and soil through which it has percolated. These compounds may be completely harmless, naturally occurring substances, but they may also include pollutants.


Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell scout Troop's

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell was the founder of Scouting. He was Born on 22 Febuary 1857.B-P’s father died when he was three years old, and his early education was at home,
where his mother encouraged him to learn about animals, plants and birds. B-P soon
discovered he could draw very well using either hand, and he became expert at imitating bird calls.
B-P attended Rose Hill School, in Tunbridge Wells and then won a Scholarship to Charterhouse School in London. It was here that he explored his interest of wood-craft and learned lots of his scouting skills. Although officially off limits, he would sneak out into the wood surrounding his school where he learned to move silently to avoid detection. He also caught and cooked rabbits and other animals, being careful not to give his position away with smoke. After school, at the age of 19 B-P, joined the army and did so well in his entrance exams that he was immediately posted as an officer with the 13th Hussars in India. 

He gained rapid promotion and had many famous victories, making him a hero to the British public. During the Boer War in Africa, Colonel Baden-Powell decided to tie up large numbers of Boer Troops by holding the strategically important town of Mafeking in South Africa, and the Siege of Mafeking became one of the most important actions of the war. B-P’s book called 'Aids to Scouting' sold well both to the military and public at large, and particularly appealed to teenage boys. In 1907 B-P re-wrote 'Aids to Scouting', to aim it at a younger audience and called it 'Scouting for Boys.


General social services organizations 2012 to 2015 group Images

                                                General social services organizations

We are the members of General social services organizations strive to keep our country clean. To start with this service we begin our work at various places of salem Tamilnadu. we pledge and more a promise that we will continue this service till our last breath, which was started in 2012

By scrolling down, you can view the group photo’s that was captured during our school period when we were indulged in social service work . In school period we are join in scout Troop and we are continue this General social services organizations. we are deep in social service and we are like so much doing social service

We are team name is General social services organizations and we are school student of this team.

We are taking one short film of General social services organizations we are team is doing very hard work

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